Personalized Wedding Name with 20×20-inch Signature Mat and Collage Review

Personalized Wedding Name with 20x20-inch Signature Mat and Collage

Size:20×20 Inch Collage  |  Color:Honey Walnut Frame

What is “Creative Letter Art”? ******Creative – Creativity is something that comes from within ones soul, normally stimulated by Love or Heartbreak. ******Letter – Language that has many forms, from the beginning of man when using picture of things on Cave Walls (“Hieroglyphics”) to the modern day letters we see today. ******Art – With a Creative Soul, being able to feel and see what others don’t, a Vivid Imagination, the Obsession of capturing the Beauty of our Surroundings and bringing at all together in the form of Art. ******This is a new and descriptive way to describe what we spell. All photographs that make up a Creative Letter Art are Original, One Of A Kind and taken by Ethan Reiss. Each one has a unique and different description bringing each word and every name to life. See what theme best describes you or the person your giving it to. *******Architecture – Take a Cathedral, the Lintel of an Entrance or the Volute of a Column standing tall? To the average person they’re overlooked but to me I see the beautiful soft textures of Stone providing just what’s needed to bring Gabriella’s name to life. Her Brother John on the other hand can only be described with Metal. The Bridge and Railing describe how Strong, rough around the edges and tuff he is along with his personality. When using both Stone, Metal and the perfect blend of colors for the Newlywed Smith’s you add Elegance, Beauty and just enough Strength bringing them to life in a whole new way. Wouldn’t this be the perfect gift for all Newlyweds? Your new Art will consist of the Original Themed Photographs described above, Custom Framed with a Signed and Dated Certificate with appropriate hardware making it ready to Hang. See for yourself why Creative Letter Art stands out. Be sure to visit our interactive website at . We can be reached at [email protected] or by phone 800-610-4180 – Thank You for Looking.

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